All PokerStars Clones for PartyPoker
Here you can get all the 4 PokerStars Clones for PartyPoker for the price of 3!
Price: €76 €57
4 PokerStars Clones for the price of 3
If you prefer the PokerStars looks to how PartyPoker tables look, then you can get all the 4 PokerStars Clones for PartyPoker bundled into 1 purchase. Buying all 4 themes together will only cost you the price of 3 themes. Separately they will cost €76, but together they are only €57 – giving you 1 theme for free!
You can get more info about every particular theme by clicking on the ‘More Details’ button below the images.
There is 1 thing I will mention here though: the PokerStars Classic theme only works on the latest version of software (now also on .es .fr .cz and others that use the latest software). So if you are playing on a regional PartyPoker/Bwin client, which is still using the old software, then the Classic theme won’t work there. When they update the software, then it will work on those sites as well. All other themes work on all the different poker clients.